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Supercharge Your Morning

For me this works better than coffee!

For the past 6 months or so I have been cutting coffee out of my life and yes it is like going through a break up. You may ask yourself, “why in the heck would anyone do that!” Well for me, there are two answers to this question.

First of all I was becoming super reliant on coffee to do just about anything. When I woke up, I needed coffee, before I worked out I needed coffee, when my mid-afternoon slump came, I was reaching for coffee to get me to the end of the day. The more I drank coffee, the more and more I needed it, I was creating a dependency on it that was becoming very unhealthy.

Secondly, it was aggravating my stomach. When I would drink coffee I felt like I was always needing to clear my throat, as if there was something in my throat. Over time this issue was becoming worse and worse. I was able to figure out that the coffee was causing acid reflux and it was getting to the point where I was coughing uncontrollably when exercising and unable to swallow pills. On days that I did not drink coffee this issue would not happen.

I learned that coffee was not only an addiction for me but a ritual I would look forward to every morning. So this is when I decided to figure out an alternative to coffee that not only I enjoy but also I think my girlfriend loves it more than I do. She is always begging me to make it every morning because it makes us feel good, clear minded and ready to start the day.

The ingredients are:

-1 cup of hot water

-5 g to 20 g organic cacao powder

-1 packet of stevia

-⅛ to ¼ tsp of salt

-Optional: 1 serving of mushroom extract

-Optional: ¼ tsp Camu camu powder

-Optional: ¼ tsp Ceylon Cinnamon

This mixture of ingredients will supercharge your day, and you will find yourself with a feel good energy and a clearer mind. I absolutely love it, and what is nice is your body does not become reliant and dependent on it like coffee. The Camu camu powder is optional, but I add it in due to its high vitamin C content, which allows you to absorb the heme iron that you get from the cacao powder. The mushroom extract is also optional, I add it just because certain mushrooms are good for health and your immune system (which is important during the COVID times). Ceylon cinnamon is optional as well. The reason I add cinnamon is to lower the blood sugar and insulin response, because I typically drink this with breakfast. Cinnamon assists with transporting sugar from carbohydrates into the muscles to be stored and does not need an insulin to do so. The salt enhances the flavor and helps hydrate your body first thing in the morning, especially if you are using sea salt or himalayan salt.

I hope you like the drink, I think it is absolutely delicious! If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message! One last helpful tip, before you take a drink, stir it. The coconut oil does not mix with the drink and will sit on top when stagnant. Before I take a drink I stir it with a spoon to mix the coconut oil in well. Enjoy!!!

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