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A blog for tips and tricks to a healthier lifestyle

I created this blog as a way to help people live a healthier lifestyle. The goal for me is to motivate, educate and give people some tools on their own path to health and wellness. I personally have gone through physical and gastrointestinal struggles on my path to where I am today. There was a time when I could not go a day without severe back pain, to the point of not being able to pick my textbooks up off the floor, without excruciating pain. Less than 10 years ago, I was unable to sit without pain and was afraid to live an active lifestyle because I did not want to make my pain worse. Today I am relatively pain free and living a fun active lifestyle. Currently I am in school to become a physical therapist assistant and eventually pursue a masters in functional medicine. I have educated myself on how to live a healthier lifestyle and know that it is not only exercise and staying active that is the key to wellbeing. In my opinion exercise is not the top priority when it comes to health, its nutrition, environmental factors and lifestyle choices. The foods you eat, the environment you are surrounded by and the stresses in your life, all have way more of an impact on your general health and wellbeing. I enjoy educating myself on these topics and hope that the information in this blog helps you in someways. If you ever have any questions for me, feel free to email me or message me on my social media accounts. I hope this helps you on your path to a healthier lifestyle.

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